Published on 30 Apr 2024

ISSF Academy website now open ahead of registration date for September courses


The new online ISSF Coaches Academy, which will offer beginners’ courses (Open Online D courses) for Rifle, Pistol and Shotgun from September 2 this year, has launched its own website.

Registration is set to open on the Academy website on June 3. For more information go to:

The establishment of the Academy followed a landmark agreement for the project jointly signed in March by the ISSF Secretary General Alessandro Nicotra di San Giacomo and Vesa Nissinen, President of the Comanleas Group, who will hold the role of Academy Director.

The ISSF will have the responsibility of maintaining the official register of the individual coaches and delivering the respective Licenses.

The Academy will be an educational system bringing together the athletes, coaches, leaders and sport supporters, including the shooting industry.

This open window to the core values and professionalism of the ISSF will be initially accessible online.

 "We know that federations must have sustainability, and there must be equal gender,” said ISSF President Luciano Rossi.

"To help in this I have established the Academy which is working for new managers, coaches, new expertise for the future. During 20 years when I was ISSF Vice-President it was one of my proposals.

“I am excited that the project has now taken this significant new step towards actuality and I look forward to working in partnership with our Finnish friends and colleagues.”

Nissinen told ISSF: “We will have D courses, and the next step up, C level, in a very short time.

“In one or two years we can train maybe hundreds of people.”

Karoliina Nissinen, the ISSF Academy’s Head of Administration, told ISSF: “We are really excited about the new ISSF Academy.

“And it seems like a lot of people in our shooting family have been waiting for the Academy to come back.

“We've received a lot of positive feedback and encouragement. My dream is that this could be one of those unifying factors among all the people involved in this sport.”

According to a statement, the ISSF Academy “shall plan, create, design, implement and operate shooting sport education, training, and coaching programme for all levels, amongst others, for shooting coaching and sport management.

This includes in particular the following services:

  • Implement, set up, plan, organise and operate a modern coach academy - the ISSF Academy
  • Operate the ISSF Academy with full financial responsibility at no cost for the ISSF
  • Plan, organise and offer educational and training programmes and courses, e.g. shooting coaching courses
  • Gather know-how for education and training to improve coaching in the sport of shooting
  • Ensure best quality of the coaching and training programmes, courses, and training